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More Reasons to Love Chocolates

Hey there chocolate lovers! Have you ever tried to go on a diet where it is forbidden to eat your favorite goodie? Urggh! Frustrating isn't it? Have you ever tried to cheat on your diet cause you can't resist, and later feel bad about ruining your diet?There's no need for you to feel bad, really!
Whether you believe it or not, chocolates does not only do wonders to your mood and taste buds, but also for your over-all health! Still can't believe what you are reading? Well here are some of examples that are scientifically proven:
  1. That luscious aroma of chocolate increases brain waves, therefore resulting in relaxation.

  2. A cup of chocolate before meal may diminish appetite.

  3. Studies say that Men who eat more chocolates live a year longer than those who doesn't.

  4. The source of chocolate(Cacao) have antibacterial agents that fights tooth decay! But of course, this is counteracted by the high sugar content of milk chocolate.

  5. Cocoa butter, which is another ingredient in making chocolates, contains oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fat which raises good cholesterol.

  6. Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in our blood, it also contains phenyl ethylamine which elevates our mild mood.

  7. Some Mexican healers use chocolate to treat bronchitis and insect bites.

  8. Carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotin levels in the brain which results to a sens of well-being

  9. The flavonoids in chocolate helps keep blood vessels elastic.
What more is that the amount of antioxidants that chocolate has naturally. Antioxidants fights the things in our body that attacks DNA, resulting to damages in the cell membranes and our hearts, making cancer and heart attacks far more likely. We have written an article about these attackers before, they are often known as the free radicals that attack our cell structure and causes aging. But as these free radicals are naturally a part of our system, there's no way of getting rid of them completely. The only way is to fight the free radicals with antioxidants. In theory, the more antioxidants you eat, the longer you are likely to live because you have greater defense against free radicals.
Chocolate is, in fact, one of the healthiest food you can indulge in. Researchers found that raw and minimally processed cocoa contains flavonoids similar to those found in green tea! These are some of the helpful effects of these antioxidants in our body:
Lowers blood pressure
Lower death rates from heart disease
Improves blood circulation throughout the body.
Improve digestion and stimulates kidneys.
Used to help treat patients with anemia, kidney stones and poor appetite.
Defense against free radicals that causes cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
The Catechins, a kind of flavonoids found in cocoa and chocolates, prevents heart disease and possibly cancer. According to recent studies, it also helps boost the immune system. Dark chocolate has also recently been found to contain more than 3 times the amount of catechins as that found in tea. Chocolate is also a good source of copper and magnesium, which helps to regulate heartbeat and blood pressure.
More Reasons to Love Chocolates More Reasons to Love Chocolates Reviewed by Unknown on 1:00 م Rating: 5

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